Sharing the message of love, healing and transformation.


Grounded in the Christian tradition, sharing Christ’s hope, love and forgiveness, we encourage and support the hearts of those who live and work in the incarcerated communities we serve.

Prison Ministry of Upstate New York is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit operating under the Ecumenical Ministries of Perinton. We strive to help incarcerated men, women and adolescents capitalize on their inner potential so they can heal and change.

We believe in basic spiritual truths that can flourish where there is awareness, reconciliation and personal responsibility. We seek to empower and help prisoners navigate the complexities of their current situations.

Our programs have no formal expectations and all participants volunteer to attend. Our goal is to help individuals process their own journey. We strongly believe that a personal commitment to self-improvement must be made before there can be change and transformation.

Volunteers & Supporters
Retreat participants

from 2015 to now.

Our Ministries

As a Donor Choice agency of the United Way, our spiritual programs foster love, mercy, healing, forgiveness and reconciliation. No proclamation of faith is needed, however individual faith journeys are often rejuvenated and enhanced. Attendance at every program session is voluntary.

Houses of Healing
Adult Program

8-13 week program that encouraging self-awareness and emotional healing for incarcerated individuals.

Spiritual Retreat

Three-day spiritual retreat structured around themes of God’s unending love and reconciling mercy.

Palanca Letter

Write notes of encouragement that state prayerful thoughts and wishes to the incarcerated from faith-filled strangers.

Messages of Healing
& Messages of Love

We deliver messages of healing and of hope to incarcerated individuals every Christmas and Easter season.

Get Involved

Use your time and talents to support our organization.