“Everyone prays in their own language, and there is no language that God does not understand.”
– Duke Ellington
For Prisoners
Pray for their relationship and reconciliation with God, that they would allow God to work in them.
- Pray for healing and belief in Jesus Christ, his teachings and for transformed lives of faith.
- Pray for the incarcerated, their families and the victims of crime.
- Pray for the imprisoned to remain strong in faith and know that if they ask for forgivingness, they will be forgiven.
- Pray that the incarcerated stay away from harmful associations that may lead them astray.

For Relationships
Pray for prisoners’ relationships with others, that they will:
- Be committed to keeping a strong connection with family, despite being separated.
- Experience reconciliation in strained or broken relationships.
- Have strength and courage to be a friend to the lonely, the discouraged, the lost.
For Volunteers
Pray for volunteers who enter the prisons to minister to the inmates that God would:
- Use their lives to draw many into a saving relationship and faith in Jesus Christ.
- Let the love of Jesus be shown in their actions and attitudes.
- Help them to find the right words when a prisoner shares a feeling of hopelessness.